PetSafe Yard-and-Park Remote Trainer, PDT00-10603 Product Description:
- Remote pet trainer for long-range control over dog
- Waterproof receiver and transmitter for reliable use in inclement weather, waterfowl hunting
- 400-yard range for canine control while hunting, hiking, running, and more
- 8 levels of electric stimulation; positive and negative tone buttons for training and basic communication
- Expandable to 3 dogs with the Petsafe Add-A-Dog receivers; rechargeable Ni-MH batteries included
Product Description
The Yard and Park Trainer assists you in controlling your pet without a leash up to 400 yards. The unit can expand to 3 dogs with additional receiver purchases. The receiver is waterproof and adjustable to fit most dogs. The training manual shows hot to properly use the Yard and Part Trainer to make training fun. The Trainer can be used to deter unwanted behavior such as chewing on furniture, jumping on guests or digging. It can also we used for basic obedience training.
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
133 of 134 people found the following review helpful.Wonderful tool; fixed a critical issue
By Nathan's Dad
My wife and I love to hike with our German Shepherd. However, her (the dog) behavior had become an issue. Whenever, she sees another dog or horse, she loses her mind, and we lose control of her. We did not want to resolve ourselves to hike with her on a leash.Now that we have this device she "comes" on command, and not on the second or third time we call. She comes the first time, and to my hand. Now we can hike with her, and gain control when we see dogs, horses, and those who do not share our enthusiasm for dogs.I like to add this devise is not cruel in any form. It has a dial of 8 settings. I tried it on myself. I could not feel "1" at all. "2" and "3" tingled. "4" felt uncomfortable (not painful), and that is where our dog is set.The only issue is at home. We have an "invisible fence", which works on a very similar principle. The issue is that when I "beep" her or "zap" her at home, she becomes very confused. Hence, we only use it primarily for our hikes, which was our desired goal anyways.The conclusion is that I highly recommend it for hiking or rather "off-leash" walks. You may have mixed results at home, if you have an "invisible fence". Although without the "invisible fence" issue, I believe it would be very effective for any sort of training.Bottom line is that it works and I wish had I bought this tool earlier.
96 of 96 people found the following review helpful.I am an animal freak and I still LOVE this
By T. Costarella
I've belonged to PETA, World Wildlife Fund, and I have volunteered at shelters, etc... My life has always had an animal in it and I love animals. That was until my husband brought home a pug puppy. For a year I was tortured by my guilt over my extreme dislike of this dog. She bit, she chewed (going to happen with puppies - I know - but it was INSANE), she scratched, she jumped, she made messes, she started to use my toddlers as chew toys and no matter what we did, who trained her, where we took her - she wasn't getting it. She has been crate trained from the beginning and she still wasn't getting the fact that she had to "go" outside. I don't mean an accident every once in a while, I mean - our living room was her backyard. I was a mess, I was irritable and frustrated with her 90% of the time because (mainly)of her biting. I've trained numerous dogs before and she wasn't getting it. Buying this collar was a last resort and the BEST THING I DID. She had the collar on 2 days and she got it. She got it all. Everything we tried to train her for a year sunk in on the first shock. (And we had the level at a 2!) The kids now play with her, I enjoy my time with her, she enjoys life because she is with us, my older (geriatric) dog is enjoying life because he's not her chew toy. It's AWESOME. The fact that it's rechargable is a plus and the only reason it didn't get a perfect, 5-star grade is because I wish the charge lasted longer. Saved our life, took away the guilt, my kids love her now(they were scared to death of her before), my husband is happy and it brought peace to our house.(And a house with 2 adults, 2 toddlers, 2 cats, 2 dogs and 3 birds needs as much calmness as possible:)) (Our cats are happier, too, because she's not chewing on them either!) HIGHLY recommend it and anyone who says it's inhumane hasn't seen it in action like I did. She does not wear it now except as a re-training every 2 weeks or so. I used to have to chase her all over the house to get her into her crate. My husband used this horrible, high pitch baby voice to get her in the crate (if you had heard that you would have fainted!). One week with the collar and training - and all I have to do is point to the crate and say, "Chloe - crate!" and she's in. It's crazy!
40 of 40 people found the following review helpful.Great Product
By C. Holmes
I wish I would have bought this years ago for a previous dog that I owned. I use this collar on a dog that weighs 12 pounds and the collar would easily adjust to fit to an even smaller dog. We use it for many reasons i.e. stopped her nipping at the kids, walking off leash w/o running away, not barking, etc. This product is a miracle. I absolutely love it!!!
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